A Legacy in Entertainment Law and Literary Representation
In 1992, Levine established his solo entertainment law practice, first in Santa Monica, and then in Venice, California, where he was inspired by the creativity of the surrounding arts and entertainment community. Seeking to expand the range of services he could offer his clients to include the representation of books, Levine opened (and recently expanded) The Paul S. Levine Literary Agency in 1996.
Levine provides a wide variety of entertainment legal services, including litigation and transactions (legal contracts), priding himself on serving his clients by interpreting complex legal concepts into understandable English. He especially enjoys the satisfaction of crafting the legal contracts that stand behind any major motion picture or socially important independent film, and then seeing "Legal Services by Paul S. Levine" in the credits.
Levine enjoys teaching and lecturing on writing and entertainment law at writers' conferences across the country. For over two decades, he taught one-day classes at the UCLA Extension Writers' Program on the legal and business aspects of book publishing and writing for motion pictures and television, including "The Legal and Business Aspects of Writing for Film and Television" and "The Fiction and Nonfiction Writers' Guide to Getting Published." In 2020, he started as an Adjunct Professor of Law, teaching "Entertainment Law In Practice," at USC School of Law, the school he graduated from over forty years ago.