Speaking Events
UCLA Extension Writers’ Program – Levine taught one-day classes to writers on the legal and business aspects of book publishing and screenwriting for almost two (2) decades, including “The Legal and Business Aspects of Writing for Film and Television” and “The Fiction and Non-fiction Writers’ Guide to Getting Published.”
Writers’ Conferences – Levine is asked to speak at writers’ conferences across the country on an almost monthly basis, speaking on writers’ legal rights and the “how-to’s” of getting published, as well as taking “pitches” from aspiring writers.
University of Southern California Gould School of Law – Levine is an Adjunct Professor of Law, teaching a course called “Entertainment Law in Practice”. Forty (40) years after he graduated from the Law School, they let him back in the building to teach. The course is designed to teach law students the practical aspects of practicing entertainment law. Levine very much enjoys “giving back” to the entertainment law community by helping to train the next generation of entertainment lawyers.